Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Scrapbook

©2008 Dave Clegg
Twelve more months in the scrapbook.
Twelve more knocking at the door.
Four more seasons behind us.
Each one shorter than the one before.
Ten more seconds till the ball drops.
One more kiss beneath the mistletoe.
I swear it seems we just went through this.
Tell me, where did this year go?

Take down the tree, sing Auld Lang Syne.
Won’t you be my Valentine?
Dress in green, April Fool,
Hit the beach, back to school,
Carve the turkey, trim the tree.
Sing Auld Lang Syne again with me.
Here’s that shot of us last Christmas.
Well, I thought it was a year but it’s been three.
See? The kids still had their braces.
And I sure like that darker hair on me.
And there we are at the picnic.
The fireworks made the baby cry.
Now, she’s making plans for college.
How did so much time get by?
Take down the tree, sing Auld Lang Syne.
Won’t you be my Valentine?
Dress in green, April Fool,
Hit the beach, back to school,
Carve the turkey, trim the tree.
Sing Auld Lang Syne again with me.
Savor every moment, treasure every day.
You’ll blink your eyes and realize it’s time again to say...
Take down the tree, sing Auld Lang Syne.
Won’t you be my Valentine?
Dress in green, April Fool,
Hit the beach, back to school,
Carve the turkey, trim the tree.
Sing Auld Lang Syne again with me.
Twelve more months in the scrapbook. 

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing, David! Love this one! Got music for it yet? Want me to write it? Have a really Happy New Year with lots of blessings and more cool lyric ideas, Don N.
